"mother superior" in German

Detailed translations for "mother superior"

mother superior

mother superior(also: matron)
die Oberin{feminine}
I assume our dearly departed mother superior had it hidden at her residence.
Ich nehme an, unsere kurz zuvor verstorbene Mutter Oberin versteckte ihn in ihrem Zuhause.
The French officers wanted to learn Spanish so my mother superior assigned the task to me, I also
Die Offiziere wollten Spanisch lernen. Also übertrug mir die Mutter Oberin diese Aufgabe. Ich kann
mother superior(also: matron)
I remember the morning you kicked the mother superior in the shins.
Ich weiß noch, wie du die Mutter Oberin ins Bein getreten hast.
mother superior(also: matron, senior nursing officer)
die Oberschwester{feminine}

English synonyms for "mother superior"

mother superior {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.