"multinationals" in German

Detailed translations for "multinationals"


Multis{masculine plural}
And by multinationals like Esso, Fiat, IBM,
oil companies and multinationals and people like you.
Banken und die Ölfirmen und die Multis und solche Opernfreunde wie Sie.
Per million of inhabitants, Switzerland has more multinationals than, I think, all other countries.
Pro Million Einwohner hat die Schweiz mehr multinationale Unternehmen als, glaube ich, alle anderen
Who speaks for Earth when multinationals exploit her resources for profit?
Wer spricht für die Erde, wenn multinationale Unternehmen ihre Ressourcen aus Profitgier ausbeuten?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.