"muslims" in German

Detailed translations for "muslims"


Muslims(also: Moslems)
Moslems{masculine plural}
The Muslims were prepared to return the cross until Richard Lionheart slaughtered his Arab
Die Moslems waren bereit, das Kreuz zurückzugeben, bis Richard Löwenherz arabische Gefangene
Muslims respect Jesus Christ. And cherish the Virgin Mary. Welcome, gentlemen.
Wir Moslems respektieren Jesus Christus und verehren die Jungfrau Maria.
Muslims(also: Moslems)
Muslime{masculine plural}
Governor Royce is using your Elizabeth Vargas interview as justification to start arresting Muslims
Gouverneur Royce benutzt Ihr Elizabeth-Vargas-Interview, um wieder Muslime zu verhaften.
It's not generalizing. Muslims can only marry other Muslims.
Muslims(also: Moslems)
And this was back in 2002 when the INS was deporting Muslims by the thousands.
Das war 2002, als das INS tausende von Muslimen abgeschoben hat.
Let's take out a bunch of Muslims because they're the real enemy.
Nehmen wir eine Reihe von Muslimen weil sie der wahre Feind sind.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.