Detailed translations for "national team"

national team

1. sports, of eleven

national team
die Nationalelf{feminine}

2. sports

national team(also: international team)
die Nationalmannschaft{feminine}
Yes, but what I was doing, I was saving national team from purchasing dirty steroids.
Ja, aber ich bewahrte die Nationalmannschaft davor, verunreinigte Steroide zu erwerben.
Please, Mr. Brenner, you must realize that every single man... on the national team comes from the
Jeder Mann in der Nationalmannschaft gehört dem Offiziersclub an.
national team(also: international team)
das Nationalteam{neuter}
Arve, the national team have already started the ski waxing class, so you'll have to hurry.
Arve, das Nationalteam ist schon beim Ski-Wachs-Kurs, beeil dich.
- And now the Korean national team makes its entrance.
Und nun tritt das Nationalteam von Korea ein.
national team(also: international team)
das Nati{neuter}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.