"orphans" in German

Detailed translations for "orphans"


Waisenkinder{masculine plural}
They created this monument for all the orphans who died. People come here all the time to make
Das Mahnmal wurde für die toten Waisenkinder errichtet.
Woodrugh said one of the orphans in that robbery, - her name was Laura. - Laura.
Woodrugh meinte, eines der Waisenkinder vom Raubüberfall hieß Laura.
Waisen{masculine plural}
Charles, don't you think your partner and you would be a lot happier without these orphans around?
Meinen Sie nicht, Sie und Ihr Partner wären ohne diese Waisen glücklicher?
Though the orphans would like to say they're sorry, wouldn't you, orphans?
Die Waisen möchten sich entschuldigen, nicht wahr?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.