Detailed translations for "pain in the stomach"

pain in the stomach

pain in the stomach(also: stomach ache, stomachodynia, gastralgia, gastrodynia)
Magenschmerzen{masculine plural}
'Caesar hadn't had such a pain in the stomach 'since the day the imperial cook put a mustard
Cäsars Magenschmerzen waren so schlimm wie an dem Tag, als der Hummer Thermidor vom Koch ein
pain in the stomach(also: stomach ache, stomachodynia, gastralgia, gastrodynia)
der Magenschmerz{masculine}
pain in the stomach(also: stomach ache, stomachodynia, gastralgia, gastrodynia)
das Bauchgrimmen{neuter}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.