"palace" in German

Detailed translations for "palace"


der Palast{masculine}
A thousand labourers have constructed a palace for Your Majesty. It's known as the palace of
Eintausend Arbeiter errichteten einen Palast für Eure Majestät... bekannt als der Palast der
It's a veritable flouting palace in the sky complete with doggy baths and mechanical canine walker.
Ein Palast am Himmel, komplett mit... Hunde-Bad und Hunde-Laufband.
das Palais{neuter}
The Stolzenberg-Stolzenberg palace on Stolzenberg-Stolzenberg Square.
- Im Stolzenberg Stolzenberg Palais am Stolzenberg Stolzenberg Platz.
It was clear to me that sound I had heard in the archbishop 's palace had been no accident.
Nun war mir klar was ich im erzbischöflichen Palais gehört hatte war kein Zufall.

English synonyms for "palace"

palace {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.