Detailed translations for "pharmacist"


1. philosophy

pharmacist(also: dispensing chemist, druggist)
der Apotheker{masculine}
Convincing the pharmacist to show us the prescription might be another hurdle altogether.
Den Apotheker davon zu überzeugen, uns das Rezept zu zeigen, könnte eine weitere Hürde sein.
Lacer married a pharmacist from Brougan and had two daughters who married Russian pilots.
Lacer heiratete einen Apotheker aus Brougan und hatte zwei Töchter, die russische Piloten
pharmacist(also: dispensing chemist, druggist)
die Apothekerin{feminine}
Your pharmacist steals your methadone?
But... the pharmacist steals my doses.

2. other

der Pharmazeut{masculine}
die Pharmazeutin{feminine}

English synonyms for "pharmacist"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.