"possums" in German

Detailed translations for "possums"


1. zoology, colloquial, zoological family

possums(also: opossums)
Beutelratten{masculine plural}
Around 3 in the morning, a bunch of possums decided to set up shop in here.
Gegen drei Uhr morgens hat sich 'ne Bande Beutelratten hier eingenistet.
He saw possums and brownies everywhere.
Er sah überall Beutelratten und Brownies.

2. zoology, zoological genus

possums(also: cuscuses)
Kuskus{masculine plural}

3. zoology, colloquial, zoological genus

Opossums{masculine plural}
Playing possum, the one thing that absolutely everyone knows possums do.
Sich tot stellen, das Einzige das Opossums machen, wie absolut jeder weiß.
Possums were possums and mammoths were mammoths.
Als Opossums noch Opossums und Mammuts noch Mammuts waren.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.