Detailed translations for "protective cover"

protective cover

1. technology

protective cover
der Hintersteckschutz{masculine}
protective cover(also: protection cap, protecting cap)
die Schutzkappe{feminine}
protective cover(also: splash guard)
der Spritzschutz{masculine}

2. other

protective cover
die Schutzhaube{feminine}
protective cover(also: protective covering, slipcover)
die Schutzhülle{feminine}
It uses it as a protective cover and as a weapon.
Sie dient ihr als Schutzhülle und als Waffe.
protective cover(also: protective coating, protective covering)
der Schutzüberzug{masculine}
protective cover(also: protective covering)
der Schutzbezug{masculine}
protective cover(also: protective covering)
der Schutzmantel{masculine}

English synonyms for "protective cover"

protective cover {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.