"radio waves" in German

Detailed translations for "radio waves"

radio waves

radio waves
Radiowellen{masculine plural}
Completely impenetrable to radio waves and, apparently, whatever those things are out there.
Völlig undurchdringlich für Radiowellen und anscheinend, für was auch immer das da draußen ist.
Cell phone jammers emit radio waves at the same frequency as commercial cell phones.
Handystörsender emittieren Radiowellen in der gleichen Frequenz wie kommerzielle Handys.
radio waves
Funkwellen{masculine plural}
There are wave bouncing detectors which emit radio waves and then look for reflections...
Das sind Wellendetektoren, die Funkwellen aussenden und auf deren Reflexionen reagieren.
All that electricity. All those radio waves right up against the side of your head.
Diese Elektrizität, die Funkwellen direkt neben deinem Kopf.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.