"raven" in German

"raven" German translation

raven {v.i.}

Detailed translations for "raven"


Raven(also: Corvus, Crow)
der Rabe{masculine}
Raven was worried man would destroy all he had made to inhabit the earth.
Rabe hatte Angst, der Mann könnte alle zerstören, die er geschaffen hatte.
When Raven returned he had made the birds, fish and animals.
Als Rabe wiederkam, hatte er die ersten Vögel, Fische und Tiere geschaffen.


der Rabe{masculine}
And, uh... and the raven crashed through... crashed through the... - through the window. - Right.
Martha Crittendon's seven-year-old daughter... claimed she was attacked by a raven earlier the day
Crittendons siebenjährige Tochter sagt, ein Rabe habe sie angegriffen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.