"reindeer" in German

Detailed translations for "reindeer"


1. zoology

das Ren{neuter}
das Rentier{neuter}
In the meantime, I can light the Santa and the reindeer and the Merry Christmas sign.
Unterdessen kann ich Santa, Rentier und das Weihnachtsschild beleuchten.
Isn't it. Well, I would greatly like to oblige Mr. Collins, but I cannot make this reindeer fly.
Ich wäre gern gefällig, Mr. Collins... aber ich kann dieses Rentier nicht fliegen lassen.

2. other

Rene{masculine plural}
Rentiere{masculine plural}
We can't take off in this. The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses.
You know, reindeer are actually a sustainable food source in the Northern Territories and Alaska.
Rentiere sind tatsächlich eine nachhaltige Nahrungsquelle im Norden, in Alaska und Kanada.

English synonyms for "reindeer"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.