Detailed translations for "retirement homes"

retirement homes

My plan was to sell quality bed sheets wholesale to all the retirement homes in South Florida.
Mein Plan war, hochwertige Bettlaken zu verkaufen an sämtliche Altenheime von Südflorida.
No, he does, uh, retirement homes and kids' parties.
Er geht in Altenheime und auf Kindergeburtstage.
Altenwohnheime{masculine plural}
retirement homes(also: old people's homes, homes for the aged)
Seniorenheime{masculine plural}
And instead of selling bed sheets to penny-pinching retirement homes we'd now be selling sheets to
Und anstatt die Bettlaken an knauserige Seniorenheime zu verkaufen, verkaufen wir die Laken jetzt
retirement homes(also: old people's homes, homes for the aged)
Feierabendheime{masculine plural}
retirement homes(also: old people's homes, homes for the aged)
Pensionistenheime{masculine plural}
retirement homes(also: old people's homes, homes for the aged)
Altersasyle{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.