"scab" in German

Detailed translations for "scab"


1. medicine

scab(also: slough, crust)
der Schorf{masculine}
You are compelled to pick at the scab you've grown over the bruise until you succeed in pulling it
Sie sind einfach gezwungen immer wieder an dem Schorf zu kratzen, der sich über der Wunde gebildet
I picked a scab yesterday.

2. other

der Streikbrecher{masculine}
That was something the way you busted up that scab yesterday. Let's go.
Das war toll wie du den Streikbrecher verprügelt hast.
and at least no one's gonna accuse you of being a scab in a santa outfit.
und wenigstens wird dich keiner Beschuldigen ein Streikbrecher in einem Weihnachtsmannkostüm zu

English synonyms for "scab"

scab {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.