Detailed translations for "seismographs"


seismographs(also: seismometers)
Seismografen{masculine plural}
seismographs(also: seismometers)
Seismographen{masculine plural}
We've set up radio seismographs all over the place, so the monitor will show you where the graboids
Wir haben überall Seismographen aufgestellt, der Monitor zeigt euch dann, wo die Schnappbiester
He's been setting up the seismographs they talked to you about.
seismographs(also: seismometers)
Erdbebenmessgeräte{masculine plural}
seismographs(also: seismometers)
Erdbebenschreiber{masculine plural}
seismographs(also: seismometers)
Seismometer{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.