"sincerely" in German

Detailed translations for "sincerely"


He sincerely congratulates you on your 60th.
Er bat mich, Euch ergebenst zu Eurem 60. Geburtstag zu gratulieren.
sincerely(also: undesigningly, earnestly)
Well I don't think that's the right thing to do. I honestly and sincerely believe that.
Das glaube ich aufrichtig und von Herzen.
I sincerely apologize about losing all the invitations you sent out to your eighth birthday party.
"es tut mir aufrichtig leid, dass ich all die Einladungen "zu deiner 8. Geburtstagsfeier verloren

English synonyms for "sincerely"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.