"skeptic" in German

Detailed translations for "skeptic"


skeptic(also: sceptic, doubtful person)
der Skeptiker{masculine}
The question is why does every parapsychological phenomenon vanish when there's a qualified skeptic
Warum verschwindet denn jedes parapsychologische Phänomen, wenn Skeptiker da sind?
But I see in your case reports descriptions of things a skeptic would never believe in.
In Ihren Berichten beschreiben Sie jedoch Dinge, die ein Skeptiker nie glauben würde.
skeptic(also: sceptic, doubtful person)
die Skeptikerin{feminine}
Well, what's our little skeptic doing today?
Na, was treibt unsere kleine Skeptikerin heute so?
The skeptic became a full believer that night.
Die Skeptikerin wurde an diesem Abend zu einer Gläubigen.

English synonyms for "skeptic"

skeptic {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.