Detailed translations for "slaughtered"


There are no more natives! They've all been slaughtered or missio-whatsit.
Alle Eingeborenen wurden abgeschlachtet oder missio...
"Dear Claire, you're receiving this letter because I've most likely been slaughtered by a troll."
slaughtered(also: butchered, massacred)
And then had our soldiers cross the beaches in Tokyo and been slaughtered in tens of thousands?
Damit unsere Soldaten dann an den Stränden Tokios... zu Zehntausenden niedergemetzelt werden?
Why did it not record the 67 men, women and children who were slaughtered by the white soldiers one
One night, my entire infirmary got slaughtered by...
Eines Nachts wurde unsere ganze Station niedergemacht von...
slaughtered(also: butchered)
But is the pig, once fattened and slaughtered and air-cured, really superior to any other pig?
Aber... ist das Schwein, einmal gemästet, geschlachtet und geräuchert, wirklich besser als jedes
My people are telling me that all the cattle out at Hides farm have been slaughtered for food.
Meine Leute erzählen mir gerade, dass das Vieh... auf der Hides-Farm für Nahrung geschlachtet
slaughtered(also: butchered)
After the war, he slaughtered Indians in the Colorado territory for a living.
Nach dem Krieg schlachtete er Indianer im Colorado-Territorium ab.
She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people.
Sie schlachtete dein kostbare Jungfrau, plus ein Dutzend andere Leute.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.