"sleeping pills" in German

Detailed translations for "sleeping pills"

sleeping pills

sleeping pills(also: sleepers, sleeping tablets, soporifics)
Schlafmittel{masculine plural}
Maybe my mother did it. I don't know. They found sleeping pills and alcohol.
Vielleicht tat es sogar meine Mutter Sie fanden Schlafmittel und Alkohol.
It was sleeping pills intended for the children, apparently.
Das waren offenbar Schlafmittel für die Kinder.
sleeping pills(also: sleepers, sleeping tablets)
Schlaftabletten{masculine plural}
By the way, darling, here are the sleeping pills and the vitamins both plainly marked.
Hier sind die Schlaftabletten und die Vitamine. Beides ist beschriftet.
In addition to the painkillers and sleeping pills we found nortriptyline in her motel room.
Zusätzlich zu den Schmerzmitteln und Schlaftabletten haben wir Nortiptyline in ihrem Motelzimmer

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.