"smallpox" in German

Detailed translations for "smallpox"


smallpox(also: pox, variola)
Pocken{masculine plural}
- He's received his smallpox inoculation, and he's on the schedule for circumcision later today.
- Ihn gegen Pocken geimpft. Später hat er den Termin für die Beschneidung.
Can't we spend the time discussing what looks like smallpox but isn't smallpox?
Könnten wir in der Zeit nicht besprechen, was nach den Pocken aussieht, aber nicht die Pocken sind?
smallpox(also: pox, variola)
Blattern{masculine plural}

English synonyms for "smallpox"

smallpox {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.