Detailed translations for "solar cell"

solar cell

solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die Solarzelle{feminine}
If he developed a solar cell that efficient, he solved the energy crisis.
Eine so effiziente Solarzelle würde das Ende der Energiekrise bedeuten.
solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die Photovoltaikzelle{feminine}
solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die Fotovoltaikzelle{feminine}
solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die photovoltaische Zelle{feminine}
solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die PV-Zelle{feminine}
solar cell(also: photovoltaic cell, photocell)
die Fotozelle{feminine}

English synonyms for "solar cell"

solar cell {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.