"son in law" in German

Detailed translations for "son in law"


der Schwiegersohn{masculine}
You know it's my son-in-law that insisted on calling you. I wouldn't disturb you for anything so
Mein Schwiegersohn hat darauf bestanden, Sie zu rufen.
Ashok, my son-in-law to be; and... the next representative of these beautiful provinces in the
Ashok, mein Schwiegersohn und bald Abgeordneter im Parlament.
der Eidam{masculine}
The point of this was to get Bohannon out and my son-in-law in.
Der Sinn davon war, Bohannon rauszuschmeißen und meinen Eidam reinzubringen.
- Could a son-in-law be more welcome?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.