Detailed translations for "spermatozoa"


spermatozoa(also: motile sperm cells)
bewegliche Samenzellen{masculine plural}
spermatozoa(also: motile sperm cells)
Spermien{masculine plural}
It motivates the drone knowing he may be able to offer his spermatozoa to the queen.
Es motiviert die Drohne... die weiß, dass sie der Königin ihre Spermien geben kann.
What's a few spermatozoa among brothers?
Was machen da ein paar Spermien für einen Unterschied?
spermatozoa(also: motile sperm cells)
Spermatozoen{masculine plural}
spermatozoa(also: motile sperm cells)
Spermatozoiden{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.