"starve" in German

Detailed translations for "starve"

to starve

to starve(also: to go hungry, to be hungry)
It's a sin to starve us while the bureauticians... luxuriate in their private sanctuaries.
Eine Sünde, uns hungern zu lassen, während die Bürolitiker... in ihren Zufluchtsorten im Luxus
Yes. And if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out.
to starve(also: to famish, to die of hunger)
verhungern{intransitive verb}
Deer, if they have too many babies... the babies starve anyway. You gotta keep the population down.
Wenn die Rehe zu viele Junge kriegen, dann verhungern die.
Well, let's just fry him up, and we'll say next time I get a pet, you can let him starve to death.
Braten wir ihn und mein nächstes Haustier... - darfst du dann verhungern lassen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.