"sterile" in German

Detailed translations for "sterile"


1. general

Nurse Packer, I'm gonna wash this with Betadine... close it with a butterfly, give it a sterile
Well, it's not as sterile as a proper laboratory, but I suppose we can improvise.
Es ist zwar nicht so steril wie ein richtiges Labor, aber ich denke, wir können improvisieren.

2. biology

Ah, the water's as sterile as my milkman-trusting father.
Das Wasser ist so steril wie mein Milchmann-vertrauender Vater.
Your hands need to be sterile if you intend to get any closer.
Ihre Hände müssen steril sein, wenn Sie näher rangehen möchten.

English synonyms for "sterile"

sterile {a}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.