"stoner" in German

Detailed translations for "stoner"


stoner(also: pothead, weedhead, dope-head, toker)
der Kiffer{masculine}
Sorry you have to see me lower myself to stoner status.
Sorry, dass du zusehen musst, wie ich zum Kiffer werde.
The fucking stoner with his retarded buddy.
Den Kiffer und seinen beschissenen Freund.
stoner(also: pothead, weedhead, dope-head, toker)
die Kifferin{feminine}
Andy Smalley said your old girlfriend's a stoner now.
Annies Mom sagte, dass deine Ex-Freundin jetzt eine Kifferin ist.

English synonyms for "stoner"

stoner {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.