"think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying" in German Think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying. Überlege dir, wie du wahrgenommen werden willst und vergleiche das mit dem, was in deinen Profilen in den sozialen Medien steht. Detailed translations for "think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying" Think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying. Think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying. Überlege dir, wie du wahrgenommen werden willst und vergleiche das mit dem, was in deinen Profilen in den sozialen Medien steht.