"three" in German

Detailed translations for "three"


1. number

die Drei{feminine}
And I think it's, like, can you believe here's a man who's got three kids from three different
Drei Kinder von drei verschiedenen Frauen?
"One household three families homicide." "What happened to the three-family system? !" Three-family
der Dreier{masculine}
This is three card brag, gentlemen. That means three three's are the highest, then three aces, then
Das ist das Dreier-Spiel, 3 Dreier zählen am meisten, dann kommen 3 Asse, 3 Könige usw.
And while you're gone... we'll show your mother how three can be good company.
Und während du weg bist,... zeigen wir deiner Mutter, dass ein Dreier nett sein kann.

2. other

That's three different bags... From three different passengers. That doesn't make any sense.
Das sind drei verschiedene Koffer... von drei verschiedenen Passagieren.
- Under three different names... - This makes no sense. she married three different men, all
Unter drei verschiedenen Namen heiratete sie drei reiche Männer.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.