"tickles" in German

Detailed translations for "tickles"


tickles(also: itches, crawls)
tickles(also: itches)
Put it on your arm, it tickles so beautiful.
Mach es mal so auf den Arm, das kribbelt total schön.
tickles(also: titillates)
Harris don't smack the shit out of his bass guitar strings. he tickles 'em.
Harris haut nicht die Scheiße aus den Basssaiten, er kitzelt sie heraus.
I got a little red hair on my taint that tickles when something's afoot.
Ich habe ein kleines, rotes Härchen in meiner Arschritze. Das kitzelt mich, wenn was im Busch ist.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.