"town house" in German

Detailed translations for "town house"

town house

1. construction

I wonder what Kitty's doing in her fancy town house right now.
Ich frage mich, was Kitty gerade in ihrem schicken Reihenhaus macht.

2. other

town house
das Stadthaus{neuter}
Instead of that broken-down money pit of a house in Scarsdale, you get a town house all for
Statt der Bruchbude in Scarsdale, kaufst du dir ein Stadthaus für dich allein.
Among their many wedding presents was a town house in New York and this estate for weekends.
Unter den vielen Hochzeitsgeschenken war ein Stadthaus in New York und das Anwesen fürs Wochenende.

English synonyms for "town house"

town house {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.