"trash bags" in German

Detailed translations for "trash bags"

trash bags

Müllsäcke{masculine plural}
They've brought trash bags and buckets to throw up in, just a festive atmosphere here, Matt and
Sie haben Müllsäcke und Eimer mitgebracht um dort rein zu kotzen, eine unglaubliche Atmosphäre
Do me a favor. Separate all the trash bags from the restroom from the others.
Trennen Sie alle Müllsäcke von der Toilette von den anderen.
Müllbeutel{masculine plural}
You're gonna need to pick up some more trash bags from Costco tomorrow.
Du musst morgen ein paar Müllbeutel kaufen.
Does your truck have trash bags for windows?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.