"tripled" in German

Detailed translations for "tripled"


tripled(also: trebles, trebled, triples)
So, by rotating the quantum inverters, you've tripled the antimatter flux?
Das Schwenken der Quantenkonverter verdreifacht den Antimateriefluss?
By next year, our spending for drug law enforcement will have more than tripled from its 1981
tripled(also: trebled)
... asthisshockinggraphshows,our water consumption tripled last month.
Wie die schockierende Grafik zeigt, verdreifachte sich der Wasserkonsum.
When Iceland's banks collapsed at the end of 2008... unemployment tripled in 6 months.
Als Islands Banken Ende 2008 kollabierten... verdreifachte sich die Arbeitslosenrate in sechs

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.