"twenty" in German

Detailed translations for "twenty"


1. number

die Zwanzig{feminine}
The land masses are divided into seven principle continents, twenty percent of which are
Die Landmasse ist in sieben Kontinente unterteilt. Zwanzig Prozent sind unbewohnte Wüste.
Twenty years of study... twenty years to come here and do everything myself.
Zwanzig Jahre Studium... Nach zwanzig Jahren komme ich her und mache alles selbst.
der Zwanziger{masculine}
Why not give them twenty and goodbye.
Here, you can have your twenty back.

2. other

The two radiation events on board occurred five hours, twenty minutes and three seconds apart.
Zwischen den beiden Vorfällen vergingen fünf Stunden, zwanzig Minuten und drei Sekunden.
After twenty years studying in our monastery Lama Tashi completed three years of meditation,
Nach zwanzig Jahren Studium in unserem Kloster vollendete Lama Tashi drei Jahre der Meditation,

English synonyms for "twenty"

twenty {n}
twenty {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.