"westerly" in German

Detailed translations for "westerly"


1. meteorology

westerly(also: westerly wind)
der Westwind{masculine}
Now, if you'll just whistle up a good westerly wind... Come 50 days, I'll have you in the new
Rufen Sie einen starken Westwind herbei und ich bringe Sie in 50 Tagen in die Neue Welt.
We leave the island and sail north on a westerly wind.
Wir verlassen die Insel und fahren bei Westwind einen nördlichen Kurs.

2. other

westerly(also: occidentally)
Almost to westerly decadent.

English synonyms for "westerly"

westerly {n}
westerly {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.