"whips" in German

Detailed translations for "whips"


whips(also: bullwhips, horsewhips)
Peitschen{masculine plural}
I wanted him out of my life, along with your Elvis plates and your whips and your paddles, and your
Ich wollte ihn aus meinem Leben haben, zusammen mit deinen Elvis-Tellern... deinen Peitschen und
- Okay, sign him up... and tell him to leave the whips and chains at home.
- Ok, verpflichte ihn. Sag ihm, Peitschen und Ketten seien unnötig.
whips(also: lashes)
Yes. And Priam doesn't do anything bad. But Salem Jones whips him anyhow.
Priam tut nichts Schlimmes, aber Salem Jones peitscht ihn trotzdem aus.
He whips them, chains them up, throws them in a sack, stuff like that.
Er peitscht sie, kettet sie an, steckt sie in einen Sack.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.