"wild animal" in German

Detailed translations for "wild animal"

wild animal

wild animal
das Wildtier{neuter}
She was, mauled by a wild animal in a wooded area that doesn't have animals that do that, in south
- Wie? - Sie wurde... von einem Wildtier in einem Waldgebiet zerfleischt, wo es solche Tiere
Some wild animal came and took it.
wild animal
I'd get this feeling in my gut like a wild animal was burrowing into it, and I'm not getting that.
Das war, als würde ein wildes Tier in den Eingeweiden wüten. - Nicht diesmal.
But, I'll tell you, if I didn't know any better, I'd have said a wild animal did it.
Man könnte fast meinen, ein wildes Tier hätte sie angegriffen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.