"yogurt" in German

Detailed translations for "yogurt"


yogurt(also: yoghurt)
We're gonna have this cartoon yogurt monster and he's gonna chase you around and try to steal your
Ein Zeichentrick-Joghurt-Monster will Ihnen den Joghurt wegnehmen.
Buttermilk and yogurt regulate the functioning of your alimentary canal.
Sauermilch und Joghurt fördern die Verdauung.
yogurt(also: yoghurt)
the deputy commissioner threw my report in terry's trash can, and he'd been eating yogurt earlier.
We always go to Sarabeth's for brunch on Sunday, we switched from sour cream to Greek yogurt
Wir gehen jeden Sonntag zum Brunch ins Sarabeth's, stellten beide von saurer Sahne auf Jogurt um,
yogurt(also: yoghurt)
So? Guy can't have some baked lamb and yogurt without you making a federal case of it?
Kann ich kein gebackenes Lamm mit Yoghurt essen, ohne dass es ein Drama ist?
It looks like they were getting frozen yogurt to celebrate... newlywed life?
Es sieht so aus, als hätten sie Frozen Yoghurt bei der Feier des... neuverheirateten Lebens?

English synonyms for "yogurt"

yogurt {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.