"your children" in German

Detailed translations for "your children"

your children

your children
You know, I mean ... Your families are out there, your children are out there your grand children!
Eure Familien ist dort draußen, eure Kinder sind dort draußen und eure Enkelkinder!
Every time you embrace Bob, every time you hold your children in your arms, you should thank me.
Jedesmal, wenn du Bob küsst, oder eure Kinder umarmst, solltest du mir danken.
your children
Well, Mrs Proffitt, apparently your children consider themselves above taking the
Mrs. Proffitt, Ihre Kinder halten sich offenbar für zu gut für die Schwartzman-Heinliken-Tests.
Well, the drug dealers have said that, your children are the business of their future.
Die Drogenhändler sagten, dass Ihre Kinder die Zukunft ihres Geschäftes seien.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.