"bipolar" in English bipolar {adj.} bipolar bipolar bipolar "bipolar" English translation bipolar bipolar zweipolig Detailed translations for "bipolar" bipolar{adjectiv} bipolar(also: zweipolig) bipolar Sie ist bipolar und leidet an PTBS wegen der häuslichen Gewalt. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review She's bipolar and she has ptsd from the domestic abuse. Ja, weil du bipolar bist, da sind Freundschaften schwierig. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review Yeah, because you're bipolar and you're hard to stay friends with. bipolar bipolar bipolar Das ist von Vorteil, wenn sie dich bipolar versohlt. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review You wouldn't know how to be bipolar the way she goes bipolar all over you, you know what. Ihre Mutter Judy ist bipolar und lesbisch. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review Her mother Judy, she is a bipolar lesbian.