"chemie" in English

Detailed translations for "chemie"

die Chemie{feminine}

1. colloquial

Chemie(also: Anziehungskraft)
Ja, na- nachdem ich einige Buchhaltungsverstoße in unserer Landwirtschaftlichen Chemie Abteilung
Yeah, uh, after I noticed some accounting irregularities in our agricultural chemistry division.
Kaum war die Chemie zu höchster Perfektion gelangt, da begannen die Deutschen Giftgas zu
Science has created the most sophisticated chemistry and the Germans have produced poison gas.

2. chemistry

Such Will's Notizen, Chemie Unterlagen, Dokumente, irgendwas das seine Existenz beweist.
Look for Will's notes, chemistry papers, housing records, anything that proves he existed.
Ihre Ausbildung an der Militärakademie beinhaltete Kurse in Chemie und Biologie, also mit Giften.
Your studies at Sandhurst included extensive courses... in chemistry and biology, hence your

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.