"paprika" in English

"paprika" English translation

Detailed translations for "paprika"

der Paprika{masculine}

1. gastronomy, Gewürz

Wir nehmen Knoblauch, Zwiebeln... eine Prise Paprika und leicht angebratenes Roast Beef.
Here we have gar/ic, onion a /itt/e paprika rub on a rare roast beef.
Ich hoffe, der Paprika wird die Sellerie-Note der Suppe überdecken.
Well, I'm hoping the paprika will mask the soup's celeryness.

2. botany

3. South African English

die Paprika{feminine}

English synonyms for "paprika"

s {paprika}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.