"perforation" in English

"perforation" English translation

Detailed translations for "perforation"

die Perforation{feminine}

1. general

Perforation(also: Lochung)
Dr. Turner befürchtet eine Perforation des Uterus.
Dr Turner suspects a perforation of the uterus.
Perforation in ihrem Darm.
Well, your liver had more damage than we saw on the CT and then we found a perforation in your

2. medicine

Perforation(also: Perforatio, Durchbruch)
- Er hat eine Perforation im Sigma.
The infection caused a perforation in his sigmoid colon.
All die kleinen Nummern auf der Perforation des Films - ...die man im Film selbst nicht sehen kann
All the little numbers printed on the perforation of the film - ...which are invisible in the movie

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.