"accuser" in German

Detailed translations for "accuser"


accuser(also: prosecutor, denouncer)
der Ankläger{masculine}
where the accuser realizes that he was wrong all along and should've minded his own business.
Da wo der Ankläger bemerkt, dass er die ganze Zeit falsch lag und sich um seinen eigenen Kram
Yes, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly.
accuser(also: prosecutor, denouncer)
die Anklägerin{feminine}
- No, the offense here is you are trying to protect one of your employees from facing his accuser
beschützen vor Gericht seiner Anklägerin gegenüberzutreten.
And the irony is, his accuser is guilty of the same.
Und die Ironie dabei ist, dass seine Anklägerin derselben Tat schuldig ist.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.