"beijing" in German

"beijing" German translation

Detailed translations for "beijing"


He meets some low-life Chinese and makes a buck ferrying suitcases for them from Beijing to Sydney.
Krasseres, traf einen zwielichtigen Chinesen, transportierte Koffer von Beijing nach Sydney gegen
As my financial advisor explained it to me, there was money to be made in Beijing Construction
Wie mein Finanzberater mir erklärt hat,... gab es Geld zu verdienen mit Beijing Construction
His ailment is the same one that killed the breeding candidates in Beijing and Johannesburg.
Er hat dieselbe Krankheit wie die Paarungskandidaten aus Peking und Johannesburg.
Beijing just acknowledged they have a carrier group heading for the Mediterranean.
Peking hat gerade erst eingestanden, dass sie eine Flugzeugträgergruppe in Richtung Mittelmeer

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.