"bomber" in German

"bomber" German translation

Bomber {m pl}

Detailed translations for "bomber"


1. person

der Bombenattentäter{masculine}
Everything, including how you used a recording between me and my informant to get your bomber
No, I asked her out, not on a date before I knew our bomber was an innocent man.
Als wir uns verabredet haben, wusste ich noch nicht, dass der Bombenattentäter unschuldig ist.

2. military, bomb-carrying military aircraft

der Bomber{masculine}
A metro rail employee claims a passenger jumped to the bomber before he could set off his vest.
Ein Fahrkartenkontrolleur behauptet ein Fahrgast sprang zum Bomber bevor er seinen
Either they got really lucky... or our bomber had intimate knowledge of the platform's structural
Entweder hatten sie Glück... oder unser Bomber hatte detaillierte Kenntnisse über den strukturellen

3. colloquial

bomber(also: cannabis cigarette)
die Haschischzigarette{feminine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.