Detailed translations for "bought"


bought(also: got)
If they want cheese on that. You knew what you were getting when you bought me.
Du wusstest, was du bekommst, als du mich angeschafft hast.
I remember because I had just bought this wig here.
Ich erinnere mich, weil ich mir da die Perücke angeschafft habe.
bought(also: purchased)
So we'll need photos, clothing, gifts, books she may have bought you, CDs you may have bought
gekauft hat, CD's, die Sie zusammen gekauft haben,
He has bought everybody there, you know, ...and whom he hasn't bought he killed.
Er hat dort alle gekauft oder aber umgebracht.
bought(also: purchased, shopped)
Erm, Leon, would you mind just reeling off what you bought from Tesco before you shot him?
Erzählst du uns bitte, was du eingekauft hast, bevor du ihn erschossen hast?
Harvey, what I've been trying to get into your head is that you bought in.
Harvey, ich habe versucht, dir klarzumachen, dass du dich eingekauft hast.
bought(also: acquired, purchased, won)
The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator.
Der einzige Grund, warum ich dieses Gebäude erworben habe, ist der private Aufzug.
Oh, and by the way, Green Goddesses... the woman who bought the LA franchise just got a boatload of
erworben hat, hat gerade jede Menge Verträge abgeschlossen.
bought(also: purchased)
He named a certain portion of land to be bought by contributions from boys all over America.
Er erwähnte einen bestimmten Grund, welcher mit Beiträgen von Jungen in Amerika erstanden werden
I bought a pair of Yeezies for retail two years ago, sold them this year for $3,000.
Ich hab vor zwei Jahren 'n Paar Yeezys billig erstanden und jetzt für $ 3.000 verkauft.


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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.