"buy" in German

Detailed translations for "buy"


buy(also: purchase)
das Kaufobjekt{neuter}
buy(also: purchase)
der Kauf{masculine}
Homer, buy your wife some flowers and take her out for a night on the town.
Look, I want you to go out, I want you to buy yourself a new swim suit, 'cause you and me are going
Kauf einen Badeanzug, wir fahren nach Catalina.
buy(also: purchase)
der Einkauf{masculine}
I can't believe I have to miss taking the kids to buy gym uniforms.
Kaum zu glauben, dass ich den Einkauf neuer Sportsachen für die Kinder verpasse.
Okay, then you let me go grocery shopping and I buy laundry detergent. But it's not the one with
Ok, dann lässt du mich auch den Einkauf machen und ich besorge eine Zahnpastatube, die sich nicht
buy(also: purchase)
das Gekauftes{neuter}

English synonyms for "buy"

buy {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.