"by means of" in German

Detailed translations for "by means of"

by means of

by means of
You're trying to reconstruct Harry Grey's headaches... by means of the side effects of these pills.
Sie möchten Harry Greys Kopfschmerzen rekonstruieren... mit Hilfe der Nebenwirkungen der Pillen.
Sows in factory farms are breeding machines, kept continually pregnant by means of artificial
Säue in den Fabrikfarmen sind Gebärmaschinen, die mit Hilfe künstlicher Befruchtung ständig
by means of
In my own modest way, I've been trying to discover the cruel butcher in our area by means of the
Ein bescheidener Versuch, mittels des Computers den grausamen Schlächter in unserem Revier zu
Is in the habit of defining... by means of the perpendicular pronoun.
gewöhnlich mittels des ersten, singularen Personalpronomens zu definieren pflegt.
by means of
by means of(also: by dint of)
The Golden Dawn members of the Parliament are for public asset sellout by means of privatizations.
The prisoner... is totally restrained... by means of this iron banding.
Der Gefangene Ist komplett festgeschnallt durch diese Eisenberingung hier.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.