Yeah, um, she came out, said she was going to the club.
Ja, uhm, sie
kam heraus und sagte sie wolle in den Klub.
She came out and went into the tent of Dr King.
kam heraus und ging in Dr. Kings Zelt.
Then the war came and we were swept apart and I came back here and I did everything to get him
Dann kam der Krieg, der uns trennte, ich
kam hierher zurück und versuchte alles, um ihn
I think he came in here and looked at her through the window, this close.
kam hierher und beobachtete sie durch das Fenster.
All right. She came from a family of highly decorated police officers, which creates a conflict.
stammte aus einer Familie höchstdekorierter Polizisten, was einen Konflikt schafft.
The weapon that killed Staff Sergeant Grimm definitely came from the armory at Quantico.
Die Waffe, die feldwebel Grimm tötete,
stammte definitiv aus dem Waffenlager in Quantico.